Services at Ridco Cloud

Cloud Implementation

Get implementation services for major cloud products such as SalesForce, Lead Squared, Zoho, Unit4 etc.

Cloud Support

Get the cloud products for the need of CRM, SCM, HRM, Marketing, Accounting, Service Automation etc.

Training & Support

Get training and support to the staff and users for the implemented cloud solution.

Cloud Implementation

Ridco Cloud offers implementation services for a wide range of cloud products. Generally, cloud products come in a bundle. That bundle contains lots of functionalities and features. Those features and functionalities are added to cloud products so that they can cater to the large customer base, or in other words, we can say so that their TAM (total accessible market) becomes wider. So every feature in the bundle might not be helpful for your organization. That bundle of cloud products is needed to be customized and configured as per your need. This configuration and customization are known as implementation, some times the customization needs the development of custom features or functionalities that were not there originally, such development is also done under the implementation. Here at Ridco Cloud, we have multiple teams for different cloud products and their implementation. All of the teams are having a very rich experience in the respective domain. These services are provided under the supervision of the top management of Ridco Cloud. All these services are available at very reasonable cost.  

Cloud Support

If you are already using a cloud system. There may be some possibilities that you want some alteration to the existing functionalities or features, or you may want to add some new customization or configuration. We at Ridco Cloud have got perfect teams to help you out with this. We can support you to carry out new customization to your existing cloud system. This support may be related to some admin work of the cloud system, we at Ridco Cloud have qualified system administrators of multiple cloud systems, and they can work with you to provide you with what you need with the administration. Resources provided by Ridco Cloud are qualified and bear very rich experience with the respective cloud system. They also have certifications received from the respective cloud system such as Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, FinancialForce, Informatica, etc.  

Trainging and Support

Ridco Cloud also offers training and support to the

  • End Users
  • Administrator
Resources come and go, training is a continuous process that runs in organizations. In today's era when the attrition rate is so high, that shows how frequently resources are leaving the organizations. If you need your newly recruited resource to be trained be they are an end user of the cloud system or they are responsible to manage and maintain the cloud system, Ridco Cloud can groom your resources in the light of your requirements. 

You are at absolute right place if you have

Implementation / Solution
CRM / SalesForce
Professional Systems

Clientele Glimpse

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