Salesforce IoT Cloud

Salesforce IoT Cloud

Salesforce IOT Cloud is there to create Social Machines. IoT stands for Internet of Things, which means that individual devices such as embedded systems are connected to other devices through the internet. IoT is giving a platform for machine-to-machine communication. This communication is quite useful in the manufacturing and energy industry to track operations, report faults, and raise service alerts. It is estimated that 1.9 billion devices are already connected through the Internet of Things, and these numbers are growing fast. It is estimated that in upcoming years the number can go up to 75 billion.
IoT enables devices to act proactively, they can take decisions if a fault is identified or a fault is going to happen, then they can order new parts, align service calls or order a new device by themselves. IoT has got great potential, Salesforce's powerful IoT engine is going to fuel this growth. 

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